Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Firstly, I don't require a lot of friends. I am happy in my skin and don't feel the need for validation from others. That said, I have more than my share of acquaintances and the bulk are indeed friends. Some are from my earilest memory and others are as yet strangers, but they will come. I try to be a good friend, but on occasion, usually from running my mouth, I will alienate one or a group. Such has been the case recently and even though I would apologize, I am not able to communicate with that friend as I once was.

So, My Friend, I'm sorry we are no longer on the best of terms and accept the responsibility for that. Please forgive me.

And to all my other friends, I thank you for overlooking my weaknesses and ask in advance for your forgiveness for my eventual verbal or procedural miscalculations.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for the times you have shared with me.....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


My tendencies regarding resolutions for the new year can best be described by the words of the first mate on one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, "is that need you have what you would call stern and resolute? or more of a passing fancy?"..........Mine may begin as stern and resolute, but generally end up as more of a passing fancy. I have some, pretty much the same line up as last year, so wish me luck, and best of luck with your own resolutions, however frivolous they may turn out to be.